Tuesday, January 18, 2005


today i feel a bit better. except i literally felt like laying down in the grocery store today. maybe it was the sight of all that raw meat and the fact that "country market" is totally changed around. i mean total presto-change-o. like whoa, is this the same store? it could have been that the smell of fresh paint was making me a bit queasy. i am totally suffering from posod (post operative stressed out disorder.)

i am glad however, that i had the foresight to pick out a few new movies at the library for malin. (well actually it was aiden. he was grabbing dvd's off the shelves and yelling eh-moh! eh-moh! at the top of his lungs.) malin is going through "cinderelmo" for the second time today.

so off i go, to do, umm, *looks around, scratches head, sits*

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