Wednesday, April 20, 2005


so here i am, on the eve of craig's 30th birthday. i wonder what it must be like as a parent to have a child turn 30. when that happens to me, i will be 52. whew. imagine all the drama that you have seen in those 30 years, not only with your child but also in life itself. all the things that you learn and wish that you knew when they were born and all the mistakes that you have made along the way. i think i would be very proud of a child that despite all my failures and victories with that child, they turned out pretty well. what an accomplishment.

oh no! i forgot a gift! ugghh!

back to reality! my kids have been diagnosed with lead poisoning (fun, i know) and the state health officials are coming tomorrow. so instead of baking cakes and putting up decorations, i have been cleaning and organizing so that every closet that they go through will not be a disgrace to my good housekeeping name! we will see if our house gets condemned (which has happened to others) or who knows what! this by far has been the most interesting thing that i have encountered as a parent. who tells you you might have your home comdemned when you bring that little bundle home from the hospital?


Anonymous said...

hey jen, what did you end up giving Craig? did you guys have a fun partay?

jenah said...

i gave craig a gift certificate to urban outfitters and a day of fly fishing by himself. after worship practice we all went to perkins (which is the only place in winona open after 8.30 pm) and i also brought a cake over to the team. it was a really fun day. :)