Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Should I or shouldn't I? That is my question. I have been getting a little sick of my long hair and I was thinking that maybe I should donate it to Locks of Love. Here are some examples of what my hair looks like now:

And here is a link to what I want it to end up looking like (my apologies to the fact that it is a teeny bopper... just like the haircut.)here it is, you'll have to cut and paste (I"M SORRY!):
So, here's the deal. I am pretty sure that I have never done this before, but I am going to take a survey. Please tell me what you think I should do by emailing me at: cricketflicka@hotmail.com and tell me if I should keep it or donate it! I will post the results in a few days. Thanks for the input!

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